
Displays a card with header, content, and footer.


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Copy and paste the following code into your project.

import { tv } from "tailwind-variants";
export const CardStyles = {
  Root: tv({
    base: ["rounded-xl border bg-card text-card-foreground shadow"],
  Header: tv({
    base: ["flex flex-col space-y-1.5 p-6"],
  Title: tv({
    base: ["font-semibold leading-none tracking-tight"],
  Description: tv({
    base: ["text-muted-foreground text-sm"],
  Content: tv({
    base: ["p-6 pt-0"],
  Footer: tv({
    base: ["flex items-center p-6 pt-0"],
export type CardRootProps = React.ComponentProps<"div">;
export function CardRoot({ className, ...props }: CardRootProps) {
  return <div {...props} className={CardStyles.Root({ className })} />;
export type CardHeaderProps = React.ComponentProps<"header">;
export function CardHeader({ className, ...props }: CardHeaderProps) {
  return <header {...props} className={CardStyles.Header({ className })} />;
export type CardTitleProps = React.ComponentProps<"h3">;
export function CardTitle({ className, ...props }: CardTitleProps) {
  return <h3 {...props} className={CardStyles.Title({ className })} />;
export type CardDescriptionProps = React.ComponentProps<"p">;
export function CardDescription({ className, ...props }: CardDescriptionProps) {
  return <p {...props} className={CardStyles.Description({ className })} />;
export type CardContentProps = React.ComponentProps<"div">;
export function CardContent({ className, ...props }: CardContentProps) {
  return <div {...props} className={CardStyles.Content({ className })} />;
export type CardFooterProps = React.ComponentProps<"footer">;
export function CardFooter({ className, ...props }: CardFooterProps) {
  return <footer {...props} className={CardStyles.Footer({ className })} />;
export const Card = Object.assign(
    Root: CardRoot,
    Header: CardHeader,
    Title: CardTitle,
    Description: CardDescription,
    Content: CardContent,
    Footer: CardFooter,

Update the import paths to match your project setup.


Single import

import { Card } from "~/components/ui/card";
    <Card.Title>Card Title</Card.Title>
    <Card.Description>Card Description</Card.Description>
    <p>Card Content</p>
    <p>Card Footer</p>

Multiple imports

import {
} from "~/components/ui/card";
    <CardTitle>Card Title</CardTitle>
    <CardDescription>Card Description</CardDescription>
    <p>Card Content</p>
    <p>Card Footer</p>



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